

As always I was recollecting on my have nots, thinking about where I wanted to go in life, and where I was headed. A question then popped up:

“What is the perfect life to you?”


I had to think…of course my mind goes towards finances, because that is where most of my issues lie. Then I thought, nope, with all the problems these celebs have, money can not make life perfect either. Then it hit me….


Having perfect faith in our Father, trusting in Him to deliver us from all of our struggles, our fears, our weaknesses, knowing that our “problems” are already solved would make life perfect.

There would be no reason to worry or fear. Say rent is due and you have no way of paying it….you could stress about it, but what will stressing do for you? How will it change your situation. You could pray it out…

“Lord, I am coming to you, asking you to allow me to see and take advantage of any opprotunites that you send my way Lord, and even more Father, I am asking that you guide me, so that I won’t mistakeningly be misguided by the devil and any of his traps. Lord, grant me the peace, comfort, faith, and trust to follow Your light, in the midst of my darkness.


After saying that prayer, you trust in Him with everything and allow Him to take you down whatever road it is that He leads you. Even if He never makes a way for you to pay that rent and you find yourself being evicted, a lot of people would question Him, doubt Him, this is where a lot of people would become afraid. You have to trust in Him with EVERYTHING!

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

Hebrews 11:1

As all of this was going through my head I thought back to last Summer, I had taken the kids swimming. It was just 3 of my Kings and I. I wanted to K3, the youngest, to sit on the steps inside the pool so that I could help one of the other boys. For just a second I just needed him to sit there. He was afraid…he clinged on to me, would not let me go. Although I knew that he was safe, he was scared, although he knew that I would never let anything happen to him, his fear did not allow him to have peace over the matter. I finally got him to sit still and just as I began to shift away, he acted out of fear, and hopped off of step, almost going under water, but of course I was able to catch him. He did not understand, that he was safe on that step. He did not trust, that although I had put him there, that he was safe, his fear did not allow him to trust that. I put him there, because that is where I needed him to be, at that time, and although it may have been scary…all he had to do was just sit there and be safe. It was him acting out of fear, taking measures in his own hands, that placed him in danger. Do yall see where I am going with this???

God is the PERFECT parent. When you think about how much you love your children, when you think about what lengths you will go for them, understand that God loves you even more than that….not to mention that He gave up His only son for YOU!!! How many of us, could/would allow our own children, not only to be killed, but to be TORTURED as Jesus was, but God did that for you and I. We have no reason, no right to question His love, or His place for us in this life. Yet it is human nature, that we do, and that is fine…but in those times, remind yourself who He really is, how hard He really loves, and more important remind yourself that He loves YOU.

He may place us in scary situations, that we may not be able to understand, as I did with K3 in the swimming pool. It is not our job to “act”, we just simply have to have patience and faith, and let God work.

Whether it is a lesson that needs to be learned.

Whether he is moving you out to move you UP.

Whether the reward is immediate or, whether it is set up years on down the line. Trust in Him.

Think about your own children. You don’t just take things away from them, just to be mean. No, you may take away their beloved Playstation 3 because you have gotten them the Playstation 4… or you may take it away as a punishment, for a lesson to be learned. The children, themselves, may not understand your methods. They may not see any good coming from it, until they themselves reach adulthood and they look back and not only can understand what mom or dad was saying, but also be very grateful for the lesson, for it is all in the benefit of them.

So when you feel lost or confused with the events that are taking place in your life, when you begin to feel scared, or alone, when it seems as if life just isn’t fair, remember that you are merely a child to THE perfect parent, God Himself. You may not understand the method to His madness right now, but one day you will get it…in the meantime, just thank Him for being forever present.

“And He said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it shall move; and nothing shall be impossible to you”

Matthew 17:20